First comes the title (with English translation when necessary), then the author(s)/editor(s) or publisher where no author or editor is mentioned, then language (when not obviously English) and then theme/cuisine (e.g. baking, Greek cooking, chicken recipes, etc.), and finally, if I think it's necessary, a note on the book.
- 100 fristende konditorkager (100 tempting bakery cakes) by Birgitte Vanges & Gyrite Brennum. Danish. Fancy cakes.
- 21 kaffeborde by Thorkild Becks Forlag. Danish. Cakes and sweet breads. This seems to be a translation, but from what language and who the original author was I have not been able to determine.
- 40 frábærir fiskréttir. Self published. Icelandic. Fish dishes. My media studies class published this as part of the fundraising we did for our class trip to the USA. I still have a few left and occasionally give them as gifts to those I think will appreciate them.
- 75 opskrifter med klassiske desserter by Hendes Verden. Danish. Desserts. Hendes Verden is a Danish women's weekly magazine and they often include books, calendars or other gifts with the magazine, of which this is one.
- A Taste of Fuller Pond Village by Cookbook Publishers. Recipe collection.
- Ábætisréttir og kökur by Henriette Schonberg Erken. Icelandic, translated from (probably) Danish. Desserts and cakes. Original title: Stor kokebog for större og mindre husholdninger. A future bookbinding project that should look nice on my kitchen bookshelf, bound in leather.
- American Cookery 1796 by Amelia Simmons, updated by Iris Ihde Frey. American cookery. This is an updated version of the very first known published American cookbook.
- Around-the-World Cooky Book by Lois Lintner Sumption & Marguerite Lintner Ashbrook. International cookie recipes.
- The Big Ready Steady Cook Book by BBC. Recipes from the popular BBC TV show.
- Borg Memorial Home Auxiliary Cook Book. Privately published by The Borg Pioneer Memorial Home, Mountain, North Dakota, USA. This is a special book, as is the other Borg cookbook in my collection. I visited the Memorial Home with my grandmother some years ago and found it interesting to meet senior citizens there who had never been to Iceland, yet spoke beautiful Icelandic, unchanged since their grandparents or great-grandparents emigrated to the USA back in the 1800's and early 1900's. The books were given to me by my cousin who we were visiting.
- Charmaine Solomon's Indian Cooking by Charmaine Solomon. Indian recipes. I use this one a lot.
- Cocktails by Mogens Boman. Danish. Mixed drinks.
- Complete World Bartender Guide by Bob Sennett. Mixed drinks.
- Confident Cooking (series): Yum Cha & Asian Treats by Könemann. Asian snack dishes in the Chinese Yum Cha tradition.
- The Cooking of Scandinavia by Time Life. Scandinavian cuisine and recipes.
- Den gule dessertbog by Torsleffs Husmoder Service. Danish. Desserts.
- Det nordafrikanske kokken by Hilaire Walden. Danish. Recipes from North-Africa. Original title: North African Cooking.
- The Diner's Club Cookbook by Myra Waldo. Restaurant recipes.
- The Dove's Nest Restaurant by Cindy Burch. American cookery from the Texas restaurant of the same name.
- Easy Fish and Seafood by Delphine de Montalier. Fish and seafood.
- Fabulous Fondues by Dorothy H. Becker & Nancy S. Wallace. Fondue recipes.
- The Friends of Borg Cookbook. Privately published by The Borg Pioneer Memorial Home, Mountain, North Dakota, USA.
- Gerbakstur by Kvenfélagasamband Íslands, Kristjana Steingrímsdóttir, ed.
- The Good Housekeeping Cookbook by Farrar & Rinehart, Inc. Recipe collection. One of three American recipe collection books I have that were published during World War 2.
- Grænn kostur Hagkaupa by Sólveig Eiríksdóttir. Icelandic. Vegetarian recipes. The author runs one of my two favourite vegetarian restaurants.
- Grilla och gratinera by Lars G. Weise/Nilsjohans Provkök. Swedish. Grilled food and gratins.
- Hall's Potato Harvest Cookbook by The Hall family. Potato recipes. The Halls are American-Icelanders who produce potatoes in North-Dakota. The recipes were collected from friends and family members.
- Heilsuuppskriftir Hagkaups by Ágústa Johnson & Hrafn Friðbjörnsson. Icelandic. Health food recipes.
- Hjálparkokkurinn: Hversdagsmatur by Almenna bókafélagið. Icelandic, translated from Norwegian. Every day cooking.
- Hjálparkokkurinn: Lambakjöt by Almenna bókafélagið. Icelandic, translated from Norwegian. Lamb recipes.
- Hjálparkokkurinn: Ofnréttir by Almenna bókafélagið. Icelandic, translated from Norwegian. Oven-baked dishes.
- Hjálparkokkurinn: Pastaréttir by Almenna bókafélagið. Icelandic, translated from Norwegian. Pasta dishes.
- Hjemmets kokebokklubb: Sommermat by Hjemmets forlag. Norwegian. Summer dishes.
- Hollt og gott by Bókaforlag aðventista. Icelandic. Vegetarian recipes.
- Hot Food by Murdoch Books. Recipe collection. Food that can be described in some way as "hot" whether it be spicy or merely served sizzling.
- Hungarian cuisine by J. Venesz. Hungarian recipes.
- Indisk mad by Roshi Razzaq. Danish. Indian recipes, low fat. Original title: Indian low-fat cooking.
- Indversk matreiðsla by Naomi Good. Icelandic. Indian recipes. Originally in English, title unknown.
- Kager og desserter by Birgitte Bruun. Danish. Cakes and desserts. Original German title: Kuchen, Torten, Süsspeisen.
- Kaldir réttir og smurt brauð by Helga Sigurðardóttir. Icelandic. Cold dishes and open-faced sandwiches. As I mentioned in the notes for Matur og drykkur, Helga Sigurðardóttir was Iceland's Mrs. Beeton.
- The Kitchen Library: Entertaining by Wendy Godfrey. Party dishes.
- Kökur og kökuskreytingar by Jill Spencer. Icelandic. Cakes and cake decorating. Original title: Hamlyn all Colour Book of Cakes and Cake Decorating.
- Krydderier & krydderurter by Anne Skovgaard-Petersen. Danish. Spice and herb recipes.
- Learn to cook: Wok by Susan Brazel. English.Wok cookery.
- The Literary Gourmet: Menus from masterpieces by Linda Wolfe. Recipes from famous literary works.
- The Little House Cookbook by Barbara M. Walker. Recipes for food mentioned in the books.
- Ljúffengir hátíðaréttir by Björg Sigurðardóttir & Hörður Héðinsson, ritstj.. Icelandic. Special occasion cooking.
- Macrobiotic Cooking by Michele Cowmeadow. I think the title speaks for itself.
- Matarlyst by Mjólkurdagsnefnd: Benedikta G. Waage & Dómhildur A. Sigfúsdóttir, eds. Icelandic. Dairy recipes.
- Matreiðslubók Iðunnar by Anne Willan. Icelandic. Kitchen encyclopedia with recipes. Original title: The Encyclopedia of Cookery and Cooking Techniques.
- Matreiðslumeistarar og Mastercard by Mastercard. Icelandic. Recipes by famous Icelandic chefs.
- Matur og drykkur by Helga Sigurðardóttir. Icelandic. Recipe collection. One of Iceland's kitchen bibles. Helga Sigurðardóttir was Iceland's Mrs Beeton.
- Mexikanske specialiteter by Roger Hicks. Danish. Mexican recipes. Original title: Mexican Cooking.
- Mine 100 bedste opskrifter: Sund og Slank by Mona Giersing (editor or translator, it doesn't say) and Norma MacMillan (recipes or editor? of the original English edition). Danish. Healthy and slimming food. Original English title: Slimming. I think this must have slipped into my collection through the back-door when my grandmother gave me a couple of bags full of recipe brochures and cookbooks. I certainly would never have bought this for myself because every time I have tried something that's labelled as both healthy and slimming, I have ended up with something with either a nasty taste or a nasty texture, or sometimes both.
- Modern Greek by Andy Harris. Greek recipes, many of them traditional with a modern twist.
- Nanny Ogg's Cookbook by Terry Pratchett (text), Stephen Briggs & Tina Hannan (recipes). Recipe collection. The recipes are Roundworld editions of food mentioned in Pratchett's popular Discworld fantasy novels. Brilliantly illustrated by Paul Kidby.
- The Onion Book by Carolyn Dille & Susan Belsinger. Onion recipes.
- Potetmesterens kokebok by Potetmesteren. Norwegian. Potato recipes.
- Pottarím by Sigrún Davíðsdóttir. Icelandic. Recipe collection.
- Recipes from the Kraft Klub Kitchens. Privately published. This was published by a club my cousin's mother-in-law belongs to.
- Sælkerasafnið: Fljótgerðir úrvalsréttir by Vaka. Icelandic. Quick dishes.
- Sælkerasafnið: Góðgæti úr ofninum by Vaka. Icelandic. Oven-baked dishes.
- Sælkerasafnið: Kartöflur og rótarávextir by Vaka. Icelandic. Potato and root vegetable recipes.
- Sælkerasafnið: Ljúffengir brauðréttir by Vaka. Icelandic. Dishes with bread in them.
- Sælkerasafnið: Matbrauð af bestu gerð by Vaka. Icelandic. Bread baking.
- Sælkerasafnið: Matseðlar fyrir gestaboð by Vaka. Icelandic. Menues for parties.
- Sælkerasafnið: Ódýrt og gott by Vaka. Icelandic. Cheap dishes.
- Sælkerasafnið: Salatréttir by Vaka. Icelandic. Salads.
- Sælkerasafnið: Smáréttir við allra hæfi by Vaka. Icelandic. Small dishes.
- Sælkerasafnið: Svepparéttir by Vaka. Icelandic. Mushroom dishes.
- Sælkerasafnið: Þurrkað saltað og fryst by Vaka. Preserved foods.
- Savouring the East: Feasts and stories from Istanbul to Bali by David Burton. Asian cooking and food journalism.
- Schwartz: Cooking with Herbs & Spices: Healthy Eating by Schwartz Spices. The title speaks for itself. I think this booklet came with my mother's old spice rack.
- The Silver Palate Cookbook by Julee Rosso & Sheila Lukins. Collection of recipes used at the Silver Palate gourmet food shop in New York.I use this one quite a bit.
- Small Food by Murdoch Books. Small dishes of every description.
- The Spice Cookbook by Avanelle Day & Lillie Stuckey. Spice-themed recipe collection.
- Spices of the world cookbook by McCormick prepared and tested by Mary Collins. Spice themed recipe collection.
- Step by Step Moroccan Cooking by Murdoch Books. Moroccan recipes.
- Stóra kínverska matreiðslubókin by Jillian Stewart. Chinese recipes. Original (presumably English) title unknown.
- The Super Chicken Cookbook by Iona Nixon. Chicken recipes.
- Súkkulaði: Það besta frá Nóa-Síríus: by Marentza Poulsen, ed. Icelandic. Chocolate recipes.
- Súrt og sætt by Sigríður Sigurðardóttir. Icelandic. Traditional Icelandic recipes.
- Sweet Food by Murdoch Books. The title speaks for itself.
- Tertur og formkökur by Annette Wolter ed. Icelandic. Cakes. Original German title: Kuchen und Torten.
- Unga stúlkan og eldhússtörfin by Vilborg Björnsdóttir & Þorgerður Þorgeirsdóttir. Icelandic. Home economics book with recipes. The title translates as The Young Girls and the Kitchen Tasks and was published by the Icelandic State School Book Publishing in 1967, back when only girls got to take home economics classes. I also have the modern version, The Young People and the Kitchen Tasks, but my mother appropriated that one and refuses to give it back because there are several recipes in it that she uses regularly.
- The Victory Binding of the American Woman's Cook Book by Ruth Berolzheimer, ed. One of three American recipe collection books I have that were published during World War 2.
- Woman's Home Companion Cook Book by Willa Roberts, ed. One of three American recipe collection books I have that were published during World War 2.
Foodie books with recipes I may try:
- Garlic and sapphires by Ruth Reichl. A memoir with recipes. Included because some of the recipes are mouth-watering.
- The Man Who Ate Everything by Jeffrey Steingarten. Food journalism with a few recipes.
- Matarsögur by Salka. Icelandic. Food-related tales with recipes by Icelandic women.
- The Raj at Table: A culinary history of the British in India by David Burton. What the title says. Some recipes included.
- Tender at the bone by Ruth Reichl. A memoir with recipes.
- Val og venjur í mat og drykk by Conrad Tuor. Food service, wine service and bartending, with a couple of pages of cocktail recipes. Original French title: Aide-Mémoire du Sommelier.
- Villtir matsveppir á Íslandi by Ása Margrét Ásgrímsdóttir og Guðrún Magnúsdóttir. Icelandic. Guide to edible wild mushrooms in Iceland, with recipes.
- The World of Food by Eva Medved. Home economics and food science textbook, with a few recipes.