Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sample recipe from Small dishes…: Blini…

…or Russian pancakes as the book calls them.

Servings: 4.
Time: 105 minutes.

10-15 g dry yeast
150 ml milk
1 egg, separated
100 ml flour
100 ml buckwheat flour
2 dashes salt
1 tbs melted butter

Heat half the milk to about lukewarm and dissolve the yeast in it. Add the egg yolk and the remaining milk and mix well. Stir in the flour, buckwheat and salt and blend into a smooth batter. Let it stand for about 1 hour.

Add the butter to the dough and finally the stiff-whipped egg white. Make large pancakes from the dough. Serve them with sour cream and finely chopped onion, or butter, chopped hard-boiled eggs and chives.

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